Selecting a kit
When a Kit Bank is open you can select a kit by clicking on one of the 100 kits from the list.
Use the selection buttons to select all kits, no kits, or invert the current selection.
For some of the features you can select several kits with the check boxes or CTRL+click or Shift+click.
Saving changes to a kit
When a Kit Bank is open the changes you made to a kit are kept when you select a different kit from the list.
There is no need to click Save when editing different kits from the same Kit Bank.
When you have finished editing all kits click Save to save the Kit Bank.
Moving a kit
Click on a kit in the list and drag-and-drop to move it to a different position in the list.
You can select and move several kits at once with CTRL+click or Shift+click then drag-and-drop.
Drag and Drop
.dsnd and .wav files can be dropped from the lists on the left of DKit Manager, but also from a file explorer like Windows Explorer.
If the file is not contained in a sub-folder or parent folder relative to the Kit Bank you have opened you will be able to edit settings but won't be able to preview the sound.
Drop a .dsnd from the Windows Explorer to the Sounds list to copy the file to the current Sounds folder.
Missing files displayed in red
If a .dsnd instrument file is missing it's displayed in red on the Kit and Layout pages.
Damaged .dsnd are displayed in yellow.
.dsnd with filenames that would be too long for the DrumIt module are displayed in grey or gray.
The particular shade of red used in DKit Manager to mark missing files is the "psychological red" as defined by the Natural Color System.
Natural Color System (NCS) is a proprietary perceptual color model published by the Scandinavian Colour Institute (Skandinaviska Färginstitutet AB) of Stockholm, Sweden.